How to Utilize .Net Framework Code on Hana XS?

Utilize .Net Framework Code on Hana XS

The Microsoft .NET stage assuming the huge Role in transit applications are created for the internet-based applications. Utilizing open-closed principles and web administration conventions, Microsoft .NET extraordinarily improves the interoperability of frameworks and helps organizations all the more effective usage of applications and information from clients just as providers and accomplices.

The .NET design can assist organizations with bettering influence the product resources they as of now have, and all the more quickly include new programming administrations and make them profitable. It can likewise be utilized to diminish application intricacy and the connected expenses of creating and looking after programming. The ongoing years have seen India rise as a worldwide center point with regards to redistributing a whole array of IT administrations.

Utilization of .NET Code

The entire world is by all accounts keen on India and the advanced changes occurring in the nation. A lion's share of the product advancement work is moved operations to different programming improvement organizations in India. is one such field, where ventures far and wide admire India for conveying quality administrations and arrangements.


The SAP HANA XS Advanced ADO.NET Data provider empowers the client to handily interface with SAP HANA XS information from .NET apps. Quickly make amazing ASP.NET web development applications that coordinate with SAP HANA XS Advanced.


The CF (Cloud Foundry) offers a lot of apparatuses and administrations to run applications created with various programming models. SAP HANA in-memory information base likewise gives an application stage called SAP HANA broadened application administrations (XS Advanced or XSA). XSA is accessible on-premise and follows an improvement worldview viable with CF.

.Net Services includes:

  • Web Services based .NET Application advancement
  • Developing web administrations utilizing the .Net system and the SOAP toolbox
  • .NET Architecture and plan assessment
  • .NET Desktop and Web Application Development
  • .NET custom control advancement
  • .NET Software Product Development
  • Migration of use from .NET
  • Managing overhauls and specialized help for existing custom and bundled data
  • .NET framework plan and application advancement
  • Migrating web and work area applications to .NET

Cloud Foundry

A Software Developer is allowed to pick practically any IDE, programming language, and improvement climate to convey applications utilizing Cloud Foundry on SAP Cloud Platform. SCP is a brilliant answer for organizations that intend to make cloud benefits out of existing programming running on-premise. Before doing design advancement your Software Architect ought to be acquainted with Cloud Foundry execution and arrangement apparatuses and highlights to design the product movement to the cloud.

Cloud Foundry

The runtime stage of XSA acquires similar engineering as CF and on-premises running as a feature of SAP HANA. That implies that a large portion of the plan ideas of XSA is practically indistinguishable from CF and can be seen here.

Worried about utilizing .NET framework code on Hana XS?

The .NET design helps the organization in enhancing interoperability and increases the efficiency of the usage of the applications. Contact us to acquire deep insight into the advances of the .NET framework and utilize them to create a profitable environment for the administrations.

Plan workload task for XSA

To design the measuring of XSA hubs you ought to allude to the SAP HANA Administration control, part "Stage Sizing in XS Advanced" at There are two profiles accessible for XSA relying upon use: PlatformUsage and AppUsage. The AppUsage is expected for setting up dependable help to run clients’ business apps clients and estimated the statistics of simultaneous app demands.


  • Fully viable having the SAP HANA XSA multiple Board app of xsodata administration
  • It gets joined to SAP HANA XS Unconventional information, for constant information access
  • Full uphold for information accumulation and multifaceted Joints over the SQL inquiries
  • Secure availability through current cryptography, that comprise of TLS 1.2, etc
  • Seamless reconciliation with driving BI, detailing, and ETL apparatuses also along with the convention app.

Bottom Line

Skilled software developers have long been using the .Net code on Hana XS to create ground-breaking apps which all the while offering incredible client confrontation, convey securely and immaculately. Also, it accomplishes an array of professional needs. Microsoft .NET is a product framework pointed towards extending the expediency of developers and creators as they endeavor towards explanation for enormous management.

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Services are classes that provide a pluggable implementation of various functionality, in particular, they define specific functionality

.NET is a Microsoft outline that lets designers design online software, applications, and edges.

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