Scaling IT Security Along With Your IT Infrastructure

IT Infrastructure

If you're like most companies, you're trying to scale your business and keep up with the demands of your customers. And this means scaling your IT infrastructure as well. While this may seem like a daunting task at times, it's quite manageable if you have the right tools for the job.

And there are times when many organizations find that their IT security is not keeping up with the rapid pace of IT infrastructure growth. This can be a real problem in protecting the data and network assets that drive revenue, but it can also lead to compliance violations, brand damage and lost revenue. This is further supported by the Sophos 2024 Threat Report which identifies ransomware, mobile malware, and internet infrastructure attacks as these year's biggest threats.

So to avoid such security vulnerabilities, it’s time to look at how you are scaling your IT infrastructure and ensure your security practices are keeping up.

Scalable Security for the Growing Businesses

For starters, it's essential to understand how your organization is growing and evolving so that you can ensure your company is prepared for what lies ahead.

As more devices connect to networks, the need for IT security increases exponentially. This is especially true given how easy it is for hackers to compromise these devices and use them as a springboard for attacks on other systems or networks. According to the recent ThoughtLab Cybersecurity Benchmarking Survey, cybersecurity breaches rose to more than 20% from 2020 to 2024.

For example, if a company has been operating for many years but suddenly begins experiencing major growth spurts - such as an increase in sales - then it would make sense for them to evaluate its current security infrastructure and make sure it can handle the extra load without becoming overwhelmed or causing bottlenecks in performance.

But IT security scalability is one area where many companies fall short. As they grow, they often fail to keep pace with their security needs. This can lead to devastating consequences if their security measures are not up-to-date and effective.

The good news is that there are many ways to scale your security efforts to match your IT infrastructure's growth. But the problem is that there are no easy answers. So many different factors play into this problem, ranging from how much budget you have available to where your data is stored and even how many people are on your team.

That said, there are some things you can do to make sure you're scaling IT security as effectively as possible.

How to Scale Your IT Security?

IT security is an ever-evolving practice. New threats, new technologies and new compliance regulations complicate things for IT security leaders. And then there are the demands to keep up with growing IT infrastructure.

What can you do?

As an IT security leader, you need to move beyond traditional approaches to software testing that focus on point solutions and instead adopt a more strategic approach that integrates with your IT infrastructure. Here are ways you can begin scaling IT security along with your IT infrastructure:

Start with a Single-Pane Solution

The first step is identifying your biggest threats and prioritizing them based on risk. Then, choose a single-pane solution that can cover multiple threat types. The key here is choosing a solution that protects against external and internal threats, such as malware and ransomware attacks.

This will allow you to have all your data consolidated into one place so it can be easily managed and monitored. It also makes it easier to scale up as your business grows because there will be less work involved in setting up each new client or server system.

Upgrade Your Network Security Layer

Once you have everything consolidated into one place, next up is upgrading the network security layer so that all connections are encrypted end-to-end, and only authorized people can access specific systems or servers within an organization.

Upgrading your network security layer will help protect against advanced threats like zero-day attacks and other unknown software or hardware systems vulnerabilities. You'll need to upgrade your network security layer by adding a next-generation firewall, which gives you complete visibility to make informed decisions to protect against modern threats.

This will also protect against all types of cyberattack - including malware, botnets, ransomware and phishing - by stopping malicious traffic before it reaches your servers or endpoints. And it prevents data exfiltration in real time by detecting abnormal activity within user sessions.

Start with a Flexible Security Platform

One of the most important things to do is to ensure your platform has the right features and functions before you start building out your architecture. It should be able to handle new applications as easily as it handles old ones, scale up quickly; support multiple platforms, and integrate seamlessly with other systems like SaaS.

Harsh Savani, Director of Aegis Softtech, a company offering cybersecurity services, says that many organizations set up complex network infrastructure without considering the need for layered security. "This means that they run multiple layers of firewalls and intrusion prevention systems but don't apply the same concept to their perimeter defenses," he says.

So it's essential to have a flexible and all-inclusive security solution to avoid serious problems down the line - including downtime and data loss.

Automate Your IT Security Process

When it comes to security, automation is key. Automation allows you to focus on higher-value tasks while leaving the repetitive ones in the hands of an automated system. The biggest advantage of automating security tasks is that it will save time and cost less money than doing them manually. Additionally, automating security tasks ensures that they are done consistently every time, which helps in maintaining consistency across all aspects involved in securing an environment.

Invest in the Right IT Security Tools

In today's IT environment, you're constantly asked to do more with less. You can't afford to be reactive anymore-you need to be proactive.

You have a finite amount of resources available, so you must prioritize your needs and develop an approach that allows you to get the most from those resources. This is especially true when it comes to IT security tools and processes, which are often viewed as costly and complex.

The reality is that investing in security tools can help improve productivity and efficiency for everyone in the organization by identifying risks earlier and reducing their impact on business operations and reputation if they materialize.

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